During the afternoon of Wednesday, three different activities are proposed. A guided tour of the Navy Museum in Brest, an outing in Aber Wrac’h accompanied by a tasting of abalone, and a kayaking trip in the Bay of Brest.

UPDATED: Please take note of the departure and/or transport information provided below for each of the proposed activities.

Navy Museum

At the tip of Brittany, the Brest Castle bears witness to a destiny intertwined with that of the sea, the history of a city, a region, and an entire country. The museum’s collections there trace the history of the Navy and attest to the close ties with the city. Visiting the castle also allows you to discover the magnificent views of the harbor, the Penfeld, the city, and its ports.

As part of the conference, a guided tour will be offered, called “Castle and Maritime during the Age of Enlightenment”: It is a visit focusing on the arsenal of the 17th-18th centuries, the prison, the Naval Academy, the Lapérouse expedition, as well as naval decoration.

The tour starts at 3:00 PM from the Brest Castle entrance (the shuttle bus departs at 1:30 PM from Océanopolis to go to Port de Commerce and Liberté)

Afternoon in the Land of Abers

“Aber” is the Breton term used to describe narrow, elongated, and relatively deep estuaries formed by the lower part of a coastal river valley that is partially or entirely flooded by the sea. They are typical of the Breton coastline, which has a large number of them. Aber Wrac’h is the longest and northernmost of the Abers on the Abers Coast, and it is widely considered to be the most beautiful.

The proposed outing is a boat tour of Aber Wrac’h and also Aber Benoît nearby, with a guided cruise to discover the rich historical and natural heritage of the area. The cruise will be followed by a visit to France Haliotis, one of the only two French abalone farms, which will naturally conclude with a tasting of abalone rillettes before returning to Brest.

Departure by coach from Océanopolis at 1:30 PM

Kayaking in the bay of Brest

The last possible excursion is also the most sporty one! It involves a kayaking trip in the Bay of Brest with a local club. Make sure to bring spare shoes and clothing, and get ready for a few hours of paddling in the magnificent Bay of Brest. Its unique geography, with numerous peninsulas, makes the visit quite enjoyable and interactive.

Departure from Océanopolis at 1:30 PM (15-minute walk)