An overview of the conference program can be seen at the page “program at a glance”. Detailed program can be found below.

Monday, September 4, 2023
13:45-13:55Opening session
13:55-16:00SS1: Special Session on Quantum error correction: The quantum physics perspective
13:55-14:45KeynoteK. BrownQuantum Error Correction and Machine Noise
14:45-15:10Wang; Lin; PryadkoAbelian and non-abelian quantum two-block codes
15:10-15:35Leverrier; ZémorGood quantum LDPC codes
15:35-16:00Roffe; Scruby Designing and Decoding Quantum LDPC Codes for Near-Term Hardware
16:00-17:00PS1: Poster Session 1 and Coffee break
Hannachi; Anet Neto; Carlach; PyndiahPerformance of Flexible and Low complexity Decoding RS-SPC Product Codes for Short-Packet Communications
Ellouze; Tajan; Leroux; Jego; PoulliatLow-complexity algorithm for the minimum distance properties of PAC codes
Maalaoui; Poulliat; AndriyanovaCircular QAM with Sphere Shaping and Non-binary LDPC Codes in the Finite Length Regime
Wilking; Weithoffer; Abdel NourConstruction of Symbol Transformations for Non-Binary Turbo Codes with Lowered Error Floor
Zhu; Cummins; Mitchell; Lentmaier; CostelloBraided Convolutional Self-orthogonal Codes with Double Sliding Window Decoding
17:00-18:20Session MO1: Polar Codes
17:00-17:20Yao; MaA Polar Coding Approach to Unequal Message Protection
17:20-17:40Geiselhart; Gauger; Krieg; Clausius; ten BrinkPhase-Equivariant Polar Coded Modulation
17:40-18:00Geiselhart; Clausius; ten BrinkRate-Compatible Polar Codes for Automorphism Ensemble Decoding
18:00-18:20Goukhshtein; DraperPolar Coded Distribution Matching for Probabilistic Shaping and Stealth Communication
EveningWelcome reception
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
8:30-9:10General KeynoteR.WeselReliable Low Latency Communication
9:10-9:50Session TU1: LDPC Codes I
9:10-9:30Chimal-Dzul; Gómez-FonsecaUsing Partial Orthomorphisms to Construct Short Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes with Girth at Least 6
9:30-9:50Gómez-Fonseca; Smarandache; MitchellA Low Complexity PEG-like Algorithm to Construct Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes
9:50-10:45PS2: Poster Session 2 and Coffee break
Maarouf; Liva; Rosnes; Graell i AmatFinite Blocklength Performance Bound for the DNA Storage Channel
Chu; Wang; ZhangImproved constructions of secondary structure avoidance codes for DNA sequences
Rosseel; Mannoni; Savin; FijalkowSets of complementary LLRs to improve OSD post-processing of BP decoding
Persson; Bollauf; Lin; YtrehusOn the Secrecy Gain of Isodual Lattices from Tail-Biting Convolutional Codes
Joschka RoffeLDPC — An Open Source Python Package for Decoding Classical and Quantum codes
10:45-12:50SS2: Special Session on Quantum error correction: The coding theory perspective
10:45-11:10Ashikhmin, Jiao, Bayanifar, TirkkonenQuantum Repeaters: Error Models and Error Correction
11:10-11:35Rengaswamy; Raveendran; Raina; VasicTowards Quantum LDPC code-based Networked Quantum Computing
11:35-12:00Goswami; Mhalla; SavinImproved Rate Fault-Tolerant Preparation of Q1 Code-States
12:00-12:25Senthoor; SarvepalliConcatenating Extended CSS Codes for Communication Efficient Quantum Secret Sharing
12:25-12:50Kung; Kuo; LaiOn Belief Propagation Decoding of Quantum Codes with Quaternary Reliability Statistics
14:30-16:30SS3: Special Session on Machine Learning for Coding
14:30-15:10KeynoteW. GrossOptimization Approaches for Decoding
15:10-15:30 Pradhan; Raveendran; Rengaswamy; Xiao; VasicLearning to Decode Trapping Sets in QLDPC Codes
15:30-15:50 Clausius; Geiselhart; ten BrinkComponent Training of Turbo Autoencoders
15:50-16:10 Mulgund; Devroye; Turan; ZefranDecomposing the Training of Deep Learned Turbo codes via a Feasible MAP Decoder
16:10-16:30 Ozfatura; Bian; GündüzDo not Interfere but Cooperate: A Fully Learnable Code Design for Multi-Access Channels with Feedback
16:30-17:00Coffee Break
17:00-18:20Session TU2: Coding Theory I
17:00-17:20Mekhiche; Cipriano; PoulliatSCMA Detection in MIMO Systems with Low Complexity EP using QRD
17:20-17:40Guo; Liang; HanPower Allocation for the Base Matrix of Spatially Coupled Sparse Regression Codes
17:40-18:00Cheng; Liu; Liang; Manton; PingOrthogonal AMP for Problems with Multiple Measurement Vectors and/or Multiple Transforms
18:00-18:20Fang; Bai; Yuan; Xu; Ma; WangSuperposition Construction of Globally-Coupled LDPC Codes for MIMO Communication
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
8:30-9:50Session WE1: Coding Theory II
8:30-8:50 Marchand; Olteanu; BoutillonRate-adaptive cyclic complex spreading sequence for Non-Binary Decoders
8:50-9:10 Luo; Sok; Ezerman; LingOn Propagation Rules for Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Codes
9:10-9:30 Mueller; Forchhammer; Oxenløwe; BaccoInformation Reconciliation for High-Dimensional Quantum Key Distribution using Nonbinary LDPC codes
9:30-9:50 Adamou; Dupraz; Amin; MatsumotoError-Exponent of Distributed Hypothesis Testing for Gilbert-Elliot Source Models
9:50-10:20Coffee Break
10:20-12:20SS4 : Special Session on Coding for Massive Multiple Access
10:20-11:00KeynoteTingfang Ji, VP of Engineering on Wireless Research at QualcommMassive scaling in 6G designs
11:00-11:20 Tralli; PaoliniIRSA-based Unsourced Random Access over Gaussian Channel
11:20-11:40 Fengler; Lancho; PolyanskiyCoded Orthogonal Modulation for the Multi-Antenna MAC
11:40-12:00M. GuillaudThe degrees of freedom of multi-linear spreading in random access scenarios
12:00-12:20K. Narayanan On the Advantages of Asynchrony in Unsourced Random Access
Thursday, September 7, 2023
9:10-9:50Session TH1: LDPC Codes II
9:10-9:30 Wiegart; Wang; Lentner; WeselProbabilistic Shaping for Asymmetric Channels and Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
9:30-9:50 Bocharova; Kudryashov; Mikelsaar; SkachekShaping for NB QC-LDPC Coded QAM Signals
9:50-10:50PS3: Poster Session 3 and Coffee break
Habib; MitchellReinforcement Learning for Sequential Decoding of Generalized LDPC Codes
Jabour; Al Ghouwayel; BoutillonAsymmetrical Extended Min-Sum for Successive Cancellation Decoding of Non-Binary Polar Codes
Antonini; Sui; Towell; Divsalar; Hamkins; WeselSuppressing Error Floors in SCPPM via an Efficient CRC-aided List Viterbi Decoding Algorithm
Chen; Cai; Han; Tang; BaiFast Encoding of Extended Integrated Interleaved Codes Based on Two-Dimensional LCH-FFT
Runge; Wiegart; LentnerImproved List Decoding for Polar-Coded Probabilistic Shaping
10:50-12:50SS5 : Special Session on Short Codes and Their Applications
10:50-11:30KeynoteH. PfisterShort Block Codes: A Safari Experience in the Error Correction Zoo
11:30-11:50 Wesel; Antonini; Wang; Sui; Towell; GrissettELF Codes: Concatenated Codes with an Expurgating Linear Function as the Outer Code
11:50-12:10 BoutillonC4-Sequences: Rate Adaptive Coded Modulation for Few Bits Message
12:10-12:30 Mandelbaum; Jäkel; SchmalenGeneralized Automorphisms of Channel Codes: Properties, Code Design, and a Decoder
12:30-12:50 Bocharova; Kudryashov; SkachekLDPC coded QAM signaling: Mapping and Shaping
14:20-16:20SS6 :Special Session on (de-)coding for hardware implementation
14:20-15:00KeynoteA. BurgOptimizing Channel Decoders for 5G Requirements
15:00-15:20 Johannsen; Kestel; Geiselhart; Vogt; ten Brink; WehnSuccessive Cancellation Automorphism List Decoding of Polar Codes
15:20-15:40 Brown; Nadal; Leduc-PrimeauLow-Activity Gallager-B LDPC Decoding
15:40-16:00 Griebel; Herrmann; Hammoud; WehnEnergy-Efficient Decoding of Spatially Coupled Low-Density Parity-Check Codes using Adaptive Window Sizes
16:00-16:20 Giard; Shah; Balatsoukas-Stimming; Stark; BauchUnrolled and Pipelined Decoders based on Look-Up Tables for Polar Codes
16:20-16:50Coffee Break
16:50-17:50SS7 :Special Session on Coding for Quantum Channels
16:50-17:10 du Crest; Garcia Herrero; Mhalla; Savin; VallsLayered Decoding of Quantum LDPC Codes
17:10-17:30 Sok; Ezerman; LingFour New Families of Quantum Stabilizer Codes from Hermitian Self-Orthogonal MDS codes
17:30-17:50 Raveendran; Boutillon; VasicTurbo-XZ Algorithm: Low-Latency Decoders for Quantum LDPC Codes
Friday, September 8, 2023
9:00-10:40Session FR1: Decoding Algorithms I
9:00-9:20 King; Wesel; Ryan; HulseEfficient Maximum-Likelihood Decoding for TBCC and CRC-TBCC Codes via Parallel List Viterbi
9:20-9:40 Milojkovic; Brkic; Ivanis; VasicLearning to Decode Linear Block Codes using Adaptive Gradient-Descent Bit-Flipping
9:40-10:00 Shen; Ren; BurgIterative Ordered Statistics Decoding of Product Codes
10:00-10:20 Weithoffer; Aousaji; Nadal; Abdel NourIteration Overlap for Low-Latency Turbo Decoding
10:20-10:40 Wadayama; Nakajima; Nakai-KasaiGradient Flow Decoding for LDPC Codes
10:40-11:10Coffee Break
11:10-12:50Session FR2: Decoding Algorithms II
11:10-11:30 Dabak; Tiryaki; Calderbank; HareedyLDPC Decoders Prefer More Reliable Parity Bits: Unequal Data Protection Over BSC
11:30-11:50 Morris; Pllaha; Kelley
(invited talk)
Analysis of syndrome-based iterative decoder failure of QLDPC codes
11:50-12:10 Alinia; MitchellOptimizing Parameters in Soft-hard BPGD for Lossy Source Coding
12:10-12:30 Straßhofer; Lentner; Liva; Graell i AmatSoft-Information Post-Processing for Chase-Pyndiah Decoding Based on Generalized Mutual Information
12:30-12:50 Nadal; Yaoumi; Dupraz; Guilloud; Leduc-PrimeauEnergy Optimization of Faulty Quantized Min-Sum LDPC Decoders